Bank of Italy Building (1917)
1001 Fulton Mall
R. F. Felchlin Company,
Charles Franklin, Architect
This eight-story, steel and concrete building, located at Tulare Street and Fulton Mall in downtown Fresno, is faced with ornate terra cotta and brick. Highly ornamented spandrel panels, cornice, belt courses and first-floor window trim distinguish this building from others in the area. The interior lobby is distinguished with a twenty-five-foot, decorative plaster ceiling, marble floor and staircase, etched brass elevator doors, brass letter box, solid mahogany stair rails and original wall clock.
Historical significance
The completion of the Bank of Italy building in about August 1918, during the boom period of construction in downtown Fresno, was cause to bring A. P. Giannini and P. C. Hale, President and Vice-President of the Bank of Italy, to Fresno. The building is one of the most impressive and unique structures in the downtown area even today. At the time of its completion it was the epitome of optimism and confidence in the future of a new area. Though currently vacant, this beautiful structure is one of the most structurally significant commercial buildings in the area.
Adapted from the National Register of Historic Places nomination, originally prepared by Robert L. Triplett.