Historic Districts

Proposed Adoline-Palm Historic District

The Adoline-Palm Historic District was proposed as part of the 1990 Tower District Specific Plan. Its boundaries extend from the rear property line east of Safford Avenue west along Thomas Avenue to the rear property line beyond Farris Avenue; north to Dudley; west to the rear property line of Adoline; north to Floradora; east to the rear property line beyond Safford; south to the second property before Olive; west to Safford; south to Olive; west to Harrison; south to Dennett; east to the rear property line beyond Safford, and south to Thomas (view map of district boundaries).

This irregularly shaped district is designed to include a number of the blocks on which one can find the most concentrated occurrence of a building type common to the entire Tower District: the bungalow. Most of the bungalows in this area data from the 1910s and 1920s, during which time they represented the most important form of moderate-cost housing in Fresno. More than other parts of the Tower District, the bungalows on these few blocks remain in much their original condition, and are interrupted by relatively few contrasting housing types. They illustrate well the distinctly more modest character acquired by the blocks that stretched west along the Olive Avenue streetcar line, in contrast to the wealthier neighborhoods that developed to the north in subdivisionsd like Wilson's North Fresno Tract and the College Addition.

Historical notes adapted from the Tower District Specific Plan (1990), by Wallace Roberts & Todd, Robert Bruce Anderson, TJKM.